“There is beauty to be found in the changing of the earth’s seasons, and an inner grace in honoring the cycles of life.”

Everything you need to know about Gaian Rhythm fits inside our logo. It contains our philosophy, our retreat schedule, and it even contains our origin story.
Allow us to explain...
It’s all
In the logo
The 12 points in our logo are referencing the zodiac wheel. Our yearly calendar includes 12 events, which can be categorized with traditional astrological modes as follows:
Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra & Capricorn) are the signs that mark the beginning of each season. We know these dates as the solstices and equinoxes. These 4 annual events are holidays that we hold in high reverence because they mark the onset of new cycles - the natural rhythm of Gaia. We celebrate these dates by holding weeklong events complete with ceremonies and educational workshops.
Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio & Aquarius) are the signs that mark the middle of each season. This is when the season is at its peak. These are the quarter points of the year which we also hold in high regard. You will find the traditional Celtic name for these holidays on our retreats page - which is when we hold weekend retreats.
Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) are the signs that mark the end of a season. because they mark the end of a season they have a more flexible energy. They are aware that change is inevitably coming. Mutable signs are very go-with-the-flow. As such we will be honoring this modality with international travel to sacred locations. Tours that are deeply educational and spiritually fulfilling.
seasonal alignment is at the core of our philosophy. we are using the 3 astrological modes to structure the beginning, middle and end of each season. Each season is also traditionally represented by a specific lunar phase.
For instance, the Summer Solstice ( which is at the top of the wheel) is associated with the full moon. The Winter Solstice (Bottom of the wheel) relates to the new moon. Lunar phases are another cyclical part of earthly life, and one that we are passionate about. That is why you will find the moon phases on the exterior of our logo. It circles around the base of our logo the way it circles around the earth. Additionally, you’ll notice there are 8 phases, representing the 8 retreats we host each year. Medicine retreats are the core of what we do so they encircle our philosophy.

You may also notice that there are 4 different colored triangles making up the bulk of our logo.
The 3 sides of the triangle represent the 3 modes mentioned above.
There are 4 of them because there are 4 seasons which correspond to 4 elements.
In total that makes up 12 points - which relate to our 12 annual events.
See? It really is all in the logo!