
Ayahuasca, Wheel of The Year Gaian Rhythm Ayahuasca, Wheel of The Year Gaian Rhythm

Sacred Ceremonies in Grand Rapids Area October 2022

There is NOTHING like autumn in Michigan! Beanie hats, hoodies, bonfires, crisp air, crunchy leaves, and most importantly THE COLOR! We are beyond excited for this mid-autumn retreat in the mitten. We at Gaian Rhythm honor the natural cycle of the earth with seasonally aligned retreats. Join us for healing and celebration of this natural holiday.

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Wheel of The Year Gaian Rhythm Wheel of The Year Gaian Rhythm

Simple Observance For Lammas (Mid-Summer)

Being in tune with the natural cycles of the earth helps us to be in alignment with the universe as a whole. It also helps by welcoming the nurturing energy of Pachamama into the flow of our lives. That can be as simple as sitting outside and giving thanks, bringing fresh flowers into your home, or for this example making some Strawberry Honey Lemonade.

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